Last updated: 4 Feb 24 07:23:38 (UTC)

MPTPRO's Philosophy

“I want to be happy by doing well by doing good.” —Michael Thomas

“My philosophy, in essence, is the concept of man as a heroic being, with his own happiness as the moral purpose of his life, with productive achievement as his noblest activity, and reason as his only absolute.” —Ayn Rand

“My life’s philosophy is the operating system of my mind. It is my ‘sense of life.’” —Michael Thomas


My Philosophy

I am a connoisseur of the art of self-Improvement. I am a German-American and support the original principles of America: freedom, liberty, individual rights, free-enterprise and capitalism.

I try to live a Quantified, Uncluttered, Minimalist, and Simplified, but a High-End Life. The less you have, the more you value it.

I work to sustain a high level of self-esteem, which is derived from living up to my values, principles and beliefs.

Daily Stoic Reminder Coins. Carry one each day in a rotation. Great reminder of my philosophy.

Six Life’s Areas

I work to sustain a high level of self-esteem, which is derived from living up to my values, principles and beliefs, and the continuing development of my six life-roles:

  1. Philosophy
  2. Health
  3. Finances
  4. Entrepreneurship
  5. Relationships: My mission is to act as an instrument of positive change in my family, friends, relationships and community. And to enjoy the reciprocal thereof.
  6. Pleasures: I want to enjoy the finer delicacies that life has to offer. I love the beauty of everything that’s refined.

My Roles

  • Son: My relationship with my father is extremely important to me, I want to support my parents in all decisions that they make, to remember that all that I am- they showed me the way, and to make their lives as easy as possible as they grow older.
  • Husband: I will have a relationship with my wife based upon love, trust, respect and laughter. We will continue to nurture our life-long friendship and will never lose sight of the fact that we are more than just individuals; we are partners. I will respect her individuality and will support her in achieving her life goals.
  • Father Figure: Teacher, listener, friend.
  • Friend: I have a strong relationship with all of my friends and extended family, which I cherish and work to maintain. I have many close friends that I have been blessed with on my life’s journey so far, and they have been vital in helping me become the person I am, and in continuing to become the person I strive to be. I am thankful for them, and place a high value on their friendship and presence in my life. I consider them family and care deeply for them, and will continue to work at maintaining these friendships.
  • Community Member: I will participate in my community. I will help with volunteer activities ensure that my community prospers. I won’t hesitate to lend a helping hand when and where it is needed either locally or globally.

Philosophy & Psychology Awards & Achievements

Awarded Certificate of the Society of Socrates and Hypatia from Frostburg State University (twice).

Earned Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Hypnotherapy, and Time Empowerment Techniques.
