Last updated: 5 Jul 24 02:38:50 (UTC)

Various Tom Hopkins Books


My Notes

Have a long-game. Why do longer-range projects pay off so much better? Because there’s so little competition. Very few people are financially capable of waiting, and even fewer are emotionally capable of doing so. The longer the time, the greater the payoff. Innoculate yourself with optimism and humor. Laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you cry alone. Have fun with pessimists! Be generous with praisel Know exactly what your “monthly nut” is at all times. The best sized nut is one that we have to strain to crack, but it’s not one that’ll bend our bones. Discover what works for you; then arrange your life so that you’re working under that exact amount of money pressure. I love success. I work smart and hard for what I get, so I deserve it all. Nobody makes me feel guilty about being successful. I accept the cards that life deals me and then go out and win the biggest pots possible with them. Things I can’t control never pull my attitude down. What skills or knowledge could you acquire that would help you most to achieve the success you’re seeking right now? I find my best solutions while I sleep. I do this by defining my problems on paper and then letting my subconscious mind take over. It always works because I have the patience and confidence to relax and let it work. Plan your life in writing and review your plan monthly. Update your life plan at least once a year to keep it current with your growing horizons and changing interests. “I don’t work, but I do get paid a lot of money because I’m terrific at what I love doing.” “People don’t really decide their futures. They choose their daily disciplines, and their daily disciplines will decide their futures.”

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